Janet Vernon & Kelvin Coe in Homelands (©Branco Gaica photo)


Choreographer’s NoteA woman, at last in harmony with the harsh Australian environment, recalls her youth in gentler surrounds and the tortured longing she felt before finally recognizing and accepting the strange beauty of her new homeland.
Graeme Murphy  1982

Media Quotes

 “One of the finest and most subtle dance works he has yet achieved.  It’s one that all can understand on one level or another but one of which nobody will ever understand all – a masterpiece.”
Brian Hoad, The Bulletin March 9, 1982

“But with Homelands, a ballet about an English woman trying to come to love the austere beauty of Australia, Graeme Murphy creates a moving work of greater dimensions than I have seen him do.”
Barton Wimble, Daily News, NY, Mar 22, 1985

Murphy proves he can provide both exciting dancing and a sense of communication between minds and bodies which thrills me even now as I recall it.”
Jill Sykes, Sydney Morning Herald February 20, 1982

Note: the video excerpts on front page are from the return season at the Opera Theatre, Sydney Opera House, November 1984 in which Ms. Duchesne’s role was performed by Marilyn Jones OBE

  • Kim Walker in Homelands (©Branco Gaica photo)
  • Janet Vernon & Kelvin Coe in Homelands (©Branco Gaica photo)
  • Mary Duchesne, Kelvin Coe, Janet Vernon &  Kim Walker in Homelands (1982 season) - @Branco Gaica photo
  • Kelvin Coe & Janet Vernon in Homelands (@Branco Gaica photo)

Choreography and Concept
Graeme Murphy

Creative Associate
Janet Vernon

Leos Janacek (Intimate Pages)

Set & Costume Design
Kenneth Rowell

Costumes hand-painted by
Victoria Rowell

John Rayment

Janet Vernon
Kelvin Coe
Mary Duchesne (1982)
Marilyn Jones (1984)
Kim Walker