A concerto for man, muscle and machine, Synergy with Synergy is an extraordinarily unique and exciting piece of dance. Inspired by the diversity and power of percussion, Graeme Murphy incorporates an exhilarating score from composers Michael Askill, John Cage, Elliott Carter, Ross Edwards, Istvan Marta and Nigel Westlake, coupled by daring and breathtaking choreography on a vast scale to create an evening of truly memorable dance. It was filmed in its first season at the Sydney Opera House in 1992.
Videos Tab above:
Synergy with Synergy Part 1 (full show filmed as a TV Special)
Synergy with Synergy Part 2 (full show filmed as a TV Special with rolling credits at the end)
Synergy with Synergy clip (excerpt from Body of Work 2000)
Lemurian Dances (composed by Michael Askill)
Performed by members of the UWEC Wind Symphony percussion section